Lymphoplasmacytic enteritis causing granuloma with intramural mechanical obstruction of the ileum in a dog - A case report
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chronic enteritis
gastrintestinal system

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Borges, T. B., Quessada, A. M., Ribeiro, R. de C. L., de Paula, D. S., da Silva, R. B., Leitzke, A. V. S., & Neto, J. M. da C. (2016). Lymphoplasmacytic enteritis causing granuloma with intramural mechanical obstruction of the ileum in a dog - A case report. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 38(Supl. 1), 33–38.


ABSTRACT. Borges T.B., Quessada A.M., Ribeiro R.C.L., de Paula D.S., da Silva R.B., Leitzke A.V.S. & da Costa Neto J.M. [Lymphoplasmacytic enteritis causing granuloma with intramural mechanical obstruction of the ileum in a dog - A case report.] Enterite linfoplasmocítica causando granuloma com obstrução intramural mecânica do íleo em um cão - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 38(Supl.1):33-38, 2016. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Animal, Universidade Parananense, Campus Umuarama, Praça Mascarenhas de Moraes, 4282, Centro, Umuarama, PR 87502-210, Brasil. E-mail: Chronic inflammatory bowel disease is a group of idiopathic chronic disorders characterized by gastrintestinal (GI) signals with histological evidence of GI inflammation of unknown etiology. The limphoplasmacytic enteritis is a major manifestation of chronic inflammatory bowel disease. This paper reports the case of bitch presenting intramural obstruction of inflammatory origin due to limphoplasmacytic enteritis. The obstruction was diagnosed by imaging and the patient underwent exploratory laparotomy to elucidate the cause and correct the obstructive process. During surgery it was found that the intestinal lumen presented a mass that was excised, being performed an entero-anastomosis. Histological finding was an inflammatory granuloma of lymphoplasmacytic origin. In the postoperative period the animal underwent drug therapy with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive (cyclosporine), probiotics and vitamins. A proper diet was instituted, and the dog recovered completely, with prescription of therapeutic food for lifetime.
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