Purulent fibrous and necrotizing ileitis secondary to intussus associated with infection by Giardia intestinalis and Cystoisospora felis in cat - case report


Giardiasis, Cystoisosporiasis, Feline

How to Cite

de Oliveira Chaves, J. K., Santos Lima, E. A. ., Lopes da Conceição, C. ., Azevedo Borges, D. ., Campos, D. R., & Barbour Scott, F. (2021). Purulent fibrous and necrotizing ileitis secondary to intussus associated with infection by Giardia intestinalis and Cystoisospora felis in cat - case report. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 42(1), e107320. https://doi.org/10.29374/10.29374/2527-2179.bjvm107320


Intussusception is the prolapse of an intestinal segment in the lumen of the adjacent intestinal loop.
Although usually idiopathic, one of the predisposing factors is intestinal parasitism. The aim of this report
is to describe the unusual case of ileo-ileal intussusception in a kitten co-parasitized by Cystoisospora
felis and G. intestinalis A three-month-old mixed breed cat was treated after suffering from intermittent
vomiting, prostration, progressive weight loss, abdominal discomfort, and diarrhea for two days. The
presence of numerous Giardia intestinalis cysts and C. felis oocysts were detected in feces samples. The
therapeutic protocol did not produce the expected result, and the patient evolved to hypovolemic shock
and perished. During emergency care, it was possible to detect a palpable cylindrical abdominal mass
in the caudal region of the abdomen. At necropsy, necrotizing purulent fibrinous ileitis secondary to
intussusception was observed. Intestinal hyper-peristalsis associated with intense parasitism by these
protozoa suggested the participation of these parasites in the genesis of the disease. Early diagnosis of
infection by these parasites is vital to improve patient life quality and the accuracy of intussusception
prognosis due to intestinal disorders caused by parasitism.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 Jéssica Karoline de Oliveira Chaves, Emily Andressa Santos Lima, Cecília Lopes da Conceição, Debora Azevedo Borges, Diefrey Ribeiro Campos, Fabio Barbour Scott